Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Recurring nightmares

As I wrote yesterday, my wife and I are expecting our first child in late July. I asked, apparently in vain, that mishaps and accidents involving pregnant women no longer appear in the news. It didn't work. The Chicago Tribune, which ashtonishingly endorsed President Bush for re-election, ran a follow-up to the original nightmare. CNN taunts me thusly: "Pregnant woman, 10 others hurt in NYC cab crash." The New York Times lent its erudite voice to the taunting chorus, even adding a new stanza to inflame another vein of worrry - the pending purchase of our first house. Somehow the Times must have learned that we are awaiting the closing on May 18. Thanks, NYT, for this tale of real estate closing snafus. Nice of you. Appreciate it.

© 2005 by justin michael cresswell


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