Tuesday, February 15, 2005

All this time I thought Firefox was a Clint Eastwood movie.

Until last Sunday I didn't know what the Firefox web browser was. I knew the difference between a firefighter and a firefight; a firebug and a firefly; a firebrand and a firing line. I've seen my share of fireworks, and eaten plenty of wood-fired pizza. To me, Firefox was a fine 80's movie starring Clint Eastwood, and centering around a Soviet fighter jet that you could fly by thinking in Russian. It wasn't until I picked up this month's issue of Wired magazine that mine eyes were opened to both the existence and vitrues of the Firefox web browser. Now I know that Firefox is like a slicker, hipper Netscape Navigator. I know how much easier it is to download and install Firefox as comparred to Navigator, almost as easy as it was to completely remove Navigator from my machine about thirty minutes later. I already knew how clunky Internet Explorer felt after using Navigator, so I imagine Firefox will be even friendlier. I also know how much cooler the icon looks; a warm-colored fox enveoping the globe is better than a green N or a blue E. Beyond that, I'm not sure if I'm willing to edge any closer to nerd-designation, so it might be best to end my discussion of neato software here.

I wonder if Hollywood Video has Firefox on dvd?

© 2005 by justin michael cresswell


At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A novel awaits this amateur thinker!


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