Vincente Fox appologized, but is he wrong?
Why did Mexican President Vincente Fox issue an apology for saying that Mexicans in America work jobs that "even blacks" won't do? If he had the courage to make the statement, then he should have the courage to stick by his words without an apology. He should ask his critics to tell him why he's wrong, because he's not. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton run to the microphone to denounce Fox's words, but the absence of substance to their words is telling. Any solutions in their speeches? Any rebuttal, any sorrow at the plight of both poor blacks and Mexicans? Any effort to use the comments to shed light on the programs and proposals they have to offer? Nope.
The Associated Press quotes the archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, as saying this: "The declaration had nothing to do with racism. It is a reality in the United States that anyone can prove." I ask you - Who works as day laborers? Who cleans hotel rooms? Who sweats and bleeds? Who dies early from broken hearts and broken backs? Who risks their lives crossing the American/Mexican border to work for slave wages under slave conditions so they can sustain lives of poverty? The "Two Americas" speech John Edwards used in the last election cycle was full of truth. Go read the NY Times series on class in America, in specific the story on health. Poor people live hard lives, and not just in our country. Think about it - the lives of poor people in America are rough, but how bad must poverty be in Mexico if American poverty is an improvement? Let's talk about that, Jesse. Let's fix that, Al. Let's help those who need it. Illegal aliens aren't sneaking into America to serve as software programmers or accountants or reverends, you can be sure of that.
© 2005 by justin michael cresswell