Tuesday, June 28, 2005

How Iraq differs from Kosovo, by Daily Kos

"Ah, yes, excuse me? Waiter? Yes, over here please. Right, thanks. We're ready to order. Now, do you have any fresh hypocrites today? You do? A lot of them? Oh, that's great. Can't get enough of that. Please bring them all to us on a steaming platter."

Please stop me before I rant and rave about Iraq, abuse of power, misguided military aggression and things of this nature. Don't let me write or speak another word about these chicken-hawk so-called conservatives on whom Karl Rove performs felatio. It's just so 2004, you know? Like that dumbass John Forbes Kerry penning an op-ed piece in today's NY Times. How many "shut-the-fuck-up" letters to the editor will that claptrap generate? But, no - I won't write one, I won't talk about it, I won't get all hot and bothered. I don't have to do any of that; all I have to do is ask you to read this posting: Daily Kos lists quotes from Republicans in relation to the use of US forces by Bill Clinton in Kosovo. Bunch of dick-tasters, all of them.

Please remember to tip your waiters and waitresses.

© 2005 by justin michael cresswell


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